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The Acoustic Radar Home Page is hosted in the Department of Informatics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Its' purpose is to promote the Research of the Acoustic Radars Working Group and inform all visitors about the Acoustic Radars devices.

All Local Visitors of this page, are welcomed to our Laboratory, located in Room Y22 of Departmental Building's Basement Floor. Please, note that this room is marked as D22 in this map. Surely, it will be a pleasure for us to provide information about our research.

For all the Virtual Visitors, we hope you will find something of interest in these pages.

Pages (still under construction) created by Mr.Tax Liaskas. For an e-mail contact with him, to send comments, proposals or whatever, use [FEEDBACK]. For a mail, phone or FAX contact, please use the information provided from the Phone-Fax and Addresses Buttons.

Page(s) last updated on 1st December 1997
[WARNING] To release all the beauty enclosed in these pages, Please use Netscape Browser!!
Photographs of our Acoustic Radar system have been added in the linked Pages. Press the 'Project' button and select the "Pictures of the SBEDAR System" link to see them!
This page has been accessed times, since the 22nd March 1996
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