Embedding Images in HTML

Orig: 28 Jun 2008, last update Σάββατο, 28/06/2008

1. Introduction

It has already been shown elsewhere, for example here, here and here among other places, that according to RFC2557 a data URL: scheme can be used to embed any MIME data inside a HTML page.

The links above show a technique to use this scheme to embed images inside an HTML document. The method proposed is suitable for small images, but leads to erratic behaviour when larger images are used.

Here another technique is presented that allows for embedding of images of arbitrary size into an HTML.

2. Table-based multi-block embedding

When using the data URL scheme specified in the RFC2557 it seems that browsers impose an arbitrary limit on the size of the base64 data that can be contained in the URL resulting in erratic behaviour (non-display, crashes, incosistencies, etc).

To overcome this limitation, the following technique is used:

Various examples of images displayed using the above technique, are presented here

3. PHP code

The following PHP code was used for constructing the example page

function base64image($file,$type) {
  if($fp = fopen($file,"rb", 0)) {
    $picture = fread($fp,filesize($file));
    $base64 = base64_encode($picture);
    $tag = '<img src="data:'.$type.';base64,' . $base64 .'"/>';
    return $tag;
$file = 'path-to-file';
   $limit = 100;
   echo "\n\n\n\n"; var_dump(gd_info());
   echo "\n\n\n\n"; var_dump(getimagesize($file));
   $tmpar = getimagesize($file);
   //   1 = GIF
   //   2 = JPG
   //   3 = PNG
   list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = $tmpar;
   $readImage = array();
   $writeImage = array();
   $readImage[1] = 'imagecreatefromgif';  $writeImage[1] = 'imagegif';
   $readImage[2] = 'imagecreatefromjpeg'; $writeImage[2] = 'imagejpeg';
   $readImage[3] = 'imagecreatefrompng';  $writeImage[3] = 'imagepng'; 
   $mime = $tmpar['mime'];
   $width_parts  = 0;
   $height_parts = 0;
   if ($width > $limit)  $width_parts  = floor($width / $limit);
   if ($height > $limit) $height_parts = floor($height / $limit);
   if ($width > $limit)  $width_parts  = $width / $limit;
   if ($height > $limit) $height_parts = $height / $limit;
   echo "\n";
   echo "We will need width $width_parts and height $height_parts parts";
   $table = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>';
   $srcImage = $readImage[$type]($file);
   $limitx = $limit;
   $limity = $limit;
   for ($y=0; $y<$height_parts; $y++) {
     $srcy = $y * $limit;
     $limitx = $limit;
     if (($srcy+$limit)>$height) $limity = $height - $srcy;
     $table .= '<tr>';
     for ($x=0; $x<$width_parts; $x++) {
       $srcx = $x * $limit;
       if (($srcx+$limit)>$width) $limitx = $width - $srcx;
       echo "\n";
       echo "Starting at $srcx x $srcy for (${limit}x${limit}) rect";
       $partImage = imagecreatetruecolor($limitx,$limity);
       $outfile = 'f-'.$srcx.'x'.$srcy.'.img';
       $table .= '<td>'.base64image($outfile,$mime).'</td>';
     $table .= '</tr>';
   $table .= '</table>';
   echo "\n";
   echo $table;

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