Science, Technology, Society— Science and Technology Studies

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organize and offer the Interdepartmental Program of Graduate Studies in “Science, Technology, Society— Science and Technology Studies”.

The purpose of the Program is to train graduates who will be able to analyze, interpret, intervene and make recommendations on issues of relevance to science and technology, based on concepts and research from the human and the social sciences. The graduates of the Program will be able to identify the best choices regarding science and technology, research and development, innovation, the economy and the society, legal and ethical issues involved in business and the rest of the economic and social institutions that contribute to the shaping of science and technology. They will be especially prepared to contribute to issues emerging from scientific and technological fields connected to: informatics and telecommunications; the sciences and technologies devoted to the protection of the environment; biology, medicine, biotechnology and biomedical technology.