Professor G. Kouroupetroglou was elected a Full Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts


The European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Academia Scientiarium et Artium Europaea) met on 21-5-2021 and elected Professor Georgios Kouroupetroglou a Full Member in the Class of Technical & Environmental Sciences.

Professor George Kouroupetroglou is Head of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Director of the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory, head of the "Accessibility Unit" and Director of the "Postgraduate Program". He is also the President-elect of the European Scientific Association for Auxiliary Technologies. His research focuses on the area of ​​Human-Computer Interaction and is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary nature. He has contributed significantly to the development of new methodologies and original systems in the fields of Voice User Interfaces and Digital Accessibility. His scientific achievements are reflected in his published research work and in international scientific book editing. Remarkable is his intense and long-term work for the introduction and use of Accessible Information Systems in Greek primary, secondary and tertiary education. He has received awards for his important national and international social contribution in support of People with Disabilities.