Human Computer Interaction / Interactive Systems logo
The kickoff meeting for the project "META-TOO: A transfer of knowledge and technology for investigating gender-based inappropriate social interactions in the Metaverse" took place on June 11, 2024, at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University…
Extended Reality for training firefighters at the Athens International Airport
In a journey spanning three years of dedicated work, scientific dissemination via article and presentations at conferences, and numerous pilot evaluations, the research project titled “A hyBRID (physical-diGital) multi-user Extended reality platform as a stimulus for industry uptake of interactive…
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Academia Scientiarium et Artium Europaea) met on 21-5-2021 and elected Professor Georgios Kouroupetroglou a Full Member in the Class of Technical & Environmental Sciences. Professor George Kouroupetroglou is Head of the Department of Informatics and…
BRIDGES project logo
BRIDGES is an H2020 Innovation Action funded by the European Commission for 24 months (10/2020-10/2022) with the aim to support and boost the pan-European interactive technologies industry through the development of a holistic solution for (remote and co-located) group interactions in room-scale…
The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications participates, via Assistant Professor Maria Roussou in the role of Science Communication Manager, in the new EU COST Action CA19122 European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN). COST (the European Cooperation in Science and…
DERC Iris user research
Iris SMS is a mobile app for social and solidarity economy organisations designed and developed by the Open Lab at Newcastle University and the Open Lab: Athens. The system allows sending SMS text messages to a list of subscribers through SMS donors. People supporting an organisation, group or…
EMOTIVE user at the Athens Agora
A team of faculty, senior researchers, and junior researchers / students from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications worked for three years on the EMOTIVE project, under the affiliation of the “ATHENA” Research Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies. The…
WhoLoDance is aiming at both researching and innovating contemporary learning theories of embodied cognition and dance education, building on advances on neuroscience, pedagogical and learning theories, educational psychology together with new technologies in artificial intelligence and knowledge…
IDIRA project
Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions IDIRA developed a set of tools, interfaces and procedures designed to be configured, deployed and operated in a flexible manner, providing interoperable services for data integration, information…
The CHESS project at the Acropolis Museum
The European Commission's strategic initiatives in shaping Europe’s digital future include instruments for funding digital cultural heritage. The CHESS Project, an EU-funded FP7 R&D project that ran from 2011 to 2014 features on the EC's Digital cultural heritage page.
CHESS article in Guardian UK
The Guardian UK, in the article "Ten global R&D projects that are changing arts and culture" by Emma Quinn and Athina Balopoulou, includes the R&D project CHESS as one of its favourite projects that are using digital technologies in new and inspiring ways. Specifically, according to the…