Digital Systems & Computer Architecture Laboratory (DSCAL)
Digital Systems & Computer Architecture Laboratory (DSCAL) of the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) has 10+ members including two (2) Professors, two (2) Post-doctoral researchers and several R&D staff (PhD and MSc students).

The H2020 Hi-SIDE research project ( in which the Professors of the School of Science, Professor Antonis Paschalis (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications) and Asst. Professor Nektarios Kranitis (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), as well as…

Development of the ASPIICS Image Data Compressor as part of the ESA PROBA-3 mission. The ASPIICS Image Data Compressor achieves the highest performance in the world.
This research is undertaken by Prof. A. Paschalis, Assistant Prof. N. Kranitis and the DSCAL lab, as part of the ESA PROBA-3…

Professor D. Gizopoulos received two HiPEAC Paper Awards for (1) the ISCA 2017 paper “MeRLiN: Exploiting Dynamic Instruction Behavior for Fast and Accurate Microarchitecture Level Reliability Assessment” and (2) the MICRO 2017 paper “Harnessing voltage margins for energy efficiency in multicore…

The power consumed, and the subsequent heat release, increase despite the reduction in the size of the transistors. High levels of energy reduce the reliability of chips and their life expectancy, and create the need for more frequent charging on mobile devices.
Modern processors face reliability…